• Merging Invoices

    2022-05-19 5:15 PM
    Merging invoices is feature in CRM that allows you to merge/include already created invoices into 1 invoice by passing all the invoice info to new invoice. This feature is used if your customer have other unpaid invoices but you need to create ano...
  • Invoice Overdue Notices

    2022-05-19 5:16 PM
    You can send invoice overdue notice manually or automatically with cron job. Sending with cron job To setup automatically overdue notice go to Setup -> Settings -> Cron Job -> Invoices...
  • Record Invoice Payment

    2022-05-19 5:16 PM
    While viewing the invoice from the admin area click on the + Payment button to record a new invoice payment, after you click on the button new view will be shown including the record payment form.Keep in mind that the...
  • Create Invoice

    2022-05-19 5:17 PM
    To create new invoice go to Sales -> Invoices and click on the button Create new invoiceSelect Customer, when selecting a Client the customer informations will be fetched directly f...